Neues Jahr:  Nova Cabana - Nova Cabana Sportswear

New year: Nova Cabana

A new year represents a new cycle, a new turn of the Earth around the sun and a renewed hope of doing things differently, in a context of growth and evolution. This is the opportunity of dreaming of new goals and have a new chance to achieve them. And for us, more than the resolutions and promises that are usually made on this occasion, this year of 2023 brought us great news.

We are not just an online store of activewear imported from Brazil. We never were. Our concept and reason for existing goes far beyond selling fashion and clothing. Everything we do is a consequence of a philosophy of life, culture and purpose, which are expressed in each product and in our relationship with customers. However, with the new year, we felt it was time to express all this more clearly also through our name, a redefinition of our brand, which identifies us to the world.

Our new name and new visual identity are in line with the values and principles that have always guided our company: promoting a more active and healthy lifestyle, through the practice of sports, bringing to the European market products with unique designs, made with materials of high quality, which are committed to sustainability and the environment, as well as to social causes, affirmative action and the empowerment of people and inclusion of minorities, in partnership with serious entities and institutions around the world. From now on, we are Nova Cabana (New Hut, in English), the name by which we identify ourselves and connect with our customers.

Whenever we think of a hut, it brings back an affective memory that reminds us of a rustic place, but that evokes shelter and protection. A hut is a dwelling that can be made in many ways, but regardless of how it is built, it uses elements of nature itself such as wood, coconut palm straw and palm trees, which vary according to the local vegetation. Now, we propose to be a Nova Cabana, for a new time and for the new challenges we are going to take on. We continue with our environmental commitment and our commitment to people, to be a safe and reliable space, which not only offers products from well-known and high quality brands, such as Cajubrasil, Kehlu, DiPaula, Massam, Vestem and Numi, but now we also point out for the new growth direction: our hut is getting bigger.

One of our main goals for this new year is to expand our reach and make our brands available across Europe. We are proud to have an exclusive distribution partnership with the brands we work with, and we want to make them even more accessible to as many people as possible, committing ourselves not only to providing our customers with the best activewear in Brazil, but also to making a positive impact on the world.

With each sale, a portion of the proceeds will be used to support various social projects involving female empowerment, training people and affirmative action to combat discrimination, oppression and slavery. This year, we will maintain our support for initiatives and institutions such as Amanda para Meninas, in Germany and the Young Women projects, Monte Salem and O Pequeno Nazareno, located in Brazil. We are now expanding our support to other projects and institutions in Europe and around the world.

In 2023, we continue to believe in inclusive fashion, for all genders, ethnicities and nationalities. Although our inspiration is the female body and all the ideal of beauty that it represents, since classical antiquity, our modeling can be used by everyone, without labels and without imposing rules of dress or behavior.

We are excited to continue our mission to provide high quality activewear from Brazil to a wider audience, while making a positive impact on the world through our initiatives. We thank and invite everyone who has always been with us to continue together in this new moment and cycle that begins for us: New Year. Nova Cabana.


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